0408 846 890
Commercial Forecasts
Accurate weather forecasts are supplied by Hayden Walkers Weather to many businesses throughout the world.
The main reason they place their trust in Hayden Walkers Weather is to obtain reliable information to minimise risks to their business and at the same time maximising returns.
Requesting a weather forecast from Hayden Walkers Weather will enable you to determine what risks are ahead:
Insurance companies forewarn their customers to take action
Construction companies moving equipment to other areas before there is inclement weather
Obtaining a forecast from Walkers Weather will avoid financial penalties, because projects will be completed on time with the knowledge of predicted weather
Mining companies, during weather extremes, can plan shut downs for maintenance
Rural sector: sinking dams during drought, planting, fertilising, cattle fattening and buying stock
Air conditioning companies purchase more units in preparation of a forecasted hot summer
Logistics in transportation: What roads will be flooded in North Queensland during the Summer season?
Construction companies can be penalised for overdue projects, logistics of ships docking into port for cargo exchange during extreme weather, or simply a holiday ruined due to inclement weather.
Investing a small amount of money in a Hayden Walkers Weather forecast is not expensive when compared to vast sums lost due to failed crops or property damage.
Those who receive a Hayden Walkers Weather Forecast are proactive and are ahead of their competitors.
Depending on the client’s needs, weather reports can be simple and concise or can be detailed to include many variables. Those clients receiving a weather forecast also receive a monthly update which summarises rainfall or temperatures for Australia, UK or USA.
As an indication we forecast the weather for many business consortiums throughout Australia and the following are some of the industries who engage our services:
Insurance companies
Mining Companies
Construction companies, especially project managers
Farmers, Graziers, Specialised Rural
Media Outlets
Fishing Industry
Small Business, multitude of industries
Ski Resorts
National White Goods
Professional Painters
Festivals and Outdoor Events
Irrigation and Water Resources
Property and Real Estate Developers
Food Retail Companies
Air Conditioning
State Emergency
Trucking and Transport
Film/Movie Industry
The following are marketing strategies companies use to determine and reduce business risks:
Which stock will best suit the future climate/environment
Where to strategically locate stock based on the weather, drought, floods, and severe temperatures
Promotional sales for enhanced selling results
How much stock is required based on future weather extremes
Transport logistics
Staffing requirements
Construction, lead time and project management
The knowledge of weather extremes can be included in your business plan for projections and decision making.
Commercial forecasts are specially formulated to suit your specific business needs.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.